The Art of “Letting That Shit go”.

Repeat after me: I accept as is. I accept change. I owe it to myself to allow growth and transformation into my life. I am never too late to change. I trust myself and this process.

We use the term “letting go” with a connotation associated with loss, as if we are losing something. Letting go is a beautiful art that forces you to observe and reflect your outer surroundings. I like to visualize myself taking a step outside of my physical body and viewing my life from my soul perspective, as the observer. I ask myself Is there anything that doesn’t serve me? Is there anything I’m attached to that isn’t fulfilling my soul purpose anymore? This is where it can be extremely difficult, especially when it comes to love and mental attachments such as habits. However, there is a difference between your hearts desires vs. the mental patterns your mind craves. If you love something, but it is not serving you, you must let it go.

When you let go – you create space. You are no longer releasing unnecessary energy that could be redirected towards yourself or something greater. This is not a bad thing, nor an egotistic idea that you’re above anybody you let go of. This solely means that you two are on separate paths for now, and you must allow them to fulfill their soul purpose as well. 

Letting go means to embrace your uncertainty. When you embrace the unknown, you are embracing security. If you are seeking security in the exterior world, you will be searching for your whole life. As you begin to heal, you can re-enter life with an open heart after completing a full circle. Letting go means to listen to what you desire – not what others expect and desire from you. Moving on and releasing is not selfish, it is a form of self-respect to acknowledge when it is time to enter a new cycle. 

You are opening yourself up to new opportunities and new levels of happiness. Staying stagnant because it’s comfortable holds you back from your full capability. It can be fucking terrifying – don’t get me wrong. Especially when you feel as if you’re forced to experienced a change that you aren’t ready for. When you continue to keep fighting these changes, the universe will continue to bring these to the surface in other ways. This is where you must accept.  Notice the energy shift in yourself and your actions once you accept the situation you’re in. And no, I’m not saying if someone is treating you like shit to accept that. I mean, if something is truly out of your control, you must accept that you are on the right path and accept that things are changing. Accept where you are at currently to free up more energy to actually accomplish what you are set out to do. As you practice this, you will grow to see that change is no longer associated with fear. Letting go is no longer associated with fear. Everything is temporary, and the idea of that sets me free.


Love + Light,


Lovely artwork by @cosmoillustrator

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